Remember what we learned about the First Fleet? Listen to the lyrics in this song and imagine all the different people who came to Australia after 26 January 1788.

1.  “I am Australian” – music video of the song

2.   MY COUNTRY – a poem by Dorothea McKellar

This poet wrote about all the things which are special about Australia in her famous poem, “My Country”.  Enjoy her reading of it in this clip.

Looking at the describing words (adjectives) she uses, you are going to illustrate her famous verse of this poem.

3. ALL ABOUT THE FLAG will take you to the Australian Flag Website.

flag picture

Remember to use the right colours when you colour in your flag  🙂


dolphins-two.jpg Welcome to your very own classroom website 🙂   This is a place where you will go every day at school to play Maths games and go to special sites on the internet to do your finding out for inquiry.  You can go to this website any time you like from home and you can add comments too. 

I will show you how to find your way around and use special tools that are kept here for you.  This is a fun way to learn and you are also learning about internet safety at the same time.  Have a look around to see what other kids have done and what they have said in comments.   Mrs Veary 🙂