Macroinvertebrates – Our Science Field Trip

On Wednesday we did not meet Ms Frizz and the Magic School Bus, but we did go on a Science Field Trip and we did go in a school bus!

We are going to be using the data we collected to write in our Science journals and work out how healthy our waterways really are.

Here are some photos from our excursion and a big thank you to our parent volunteers who came along as team leaders.  😎 and to Michelle Keppel from Nature Conservancy for organising this fun scientific field trip.


Lego News from Fynn!

Fynn has shown his special talent and enthusiasm for building stunning Lego models, all on his own, following complicated plans and step-by-step instructions.  I have appointed him our Room 6 Lego Expert and he is going to share with us on Dolphinkids, some of his favourite Lego builds.  This is Fynn’s first Lego Expert Report.

This is the Land Bounty.  It has taken me two days to complete.  I love making Lego because it makes me happy.  I like putting all the pieces together, playing with it and looking at it when it’s on my shelf.

Written by Fynn W.


This story is about all the terrible, horrible, no good things that happen to this boy. As you listen (sorry about the American accent), think about what kind of problems he is having. How could we categorise them (put them into groups of similar kinds of problems) from Alexander’s point of view.

After listening and thinking about the kinds of problems he has, let’s try to work out what Alexander COULD HAVE DONE or how he COULD HAVE ACTED in each situation if he had looked for the good bit each time something bad happened. For example: When he didn’t get a toy in his cereal pack, he could have said, “Maybe I’ll get one next time.” When he mucked up his father’s office he could have said, “I’ll remember next time to be more careful”.

Being a POSITIVE TRACKER or LOOKING ON THE BRIGHT SIDE helps us to remember that bad times don’t last. Things can change and eventually will get better.


even if you can’t change what has happened, you CAN change how you feel about it.

Looking into Space!

Here are a couple of photo slides explaining how we can look back in time, when we look up at the stars through a telescope.

Light takes time to travel to Earth, and we measure it in Light Years.  So, when we look up at the object – we are actually looking back to when it first started to send its light image towards us – back in time.  Crazy concept, isn’t it!  😎


travels at 300,000 km/s. So we see things as they were some time ago. The farther away, the further back in time we are looking. 1 billion LY means looking 1 billion years back in time. So, when we see the stars, we are actually looking at light which was emitted long ago.