Chance and Probability – dice and spinners

In Maths we can clearly work out how likely it is that you will get a particular number when you throw a dice or when you spin a spinner.  Here are some games to work that out.

  1.  WHY CAN’T I WIN?
  3. SPINNERS (We will play with these in our lesson together.)
  4. MAKE A GRAPH (This allows you to make a digital Bar or Column Graph).

The SPINNERS and MAKE A GRAPH tools will also live on this blogsite on the LINKS page – under MATHS TOOLS. 

Do a Maths investigation with your family.  Survey your family members about their favourite………… Record their answers then make a graph using the MAKE A GRAPH tool which you can then print.  Have a go and make it look really professional.  🙂 Mrs Veary

Chances of ….?

In Maths we can work out how likely it will be that an event will occur.   It could be certain, likely or unlikely.

When it comes to a dice or a spinner, you can work out how likely by saying 

You have a 1 in 6 chance of winning; or you have a 1:6 chance….. depending on the number of possibilities given.

We will explore how this works by using the spinner in this SPINNER manipulative.

BOX DRAW manipulative – how many times will you draw out a certain colour depends on how many of each are in the box.

COIN TOSS manipulative – it’s interesting to see how many times heads or tails comes up when you toss a coin.

Good luck and have fun taking your chances on these activities! 8:)