People and Places – Different but just the same!

We have been learning about the connections people have to their place.

Reading through this book helps us to remember that people from different places might look different, have different languages and religions, might eat and dress differently, but that all people all over the world are similar. So in Geography, we need to remember that ALL PEOPLE have their own connections to their special places, just like us.

You will be learning all about Australia’s neighbouring countries today – who they are, where they are, and later you will be making a jigsaw map of Australia and its neighbouring countries.

The people in these neighbouring countries are different from us, just like the people in this story. We will be finding out more about their lives soon when we research different countries.

Try to learn and remember the names of Australia’s neighbouring countries!!(a challenge!)

Mrs Veary  😎


People are connected to the places in which they live.  Their lives reflect those places.  Some of those places are different from our place, but some of those places are the same.  Sometimes we forget that people might look different from us on the outside but on the inside we are often just the same.  Look at the children in this story by Mem Fox.

This week is HARMONY DAY WEEK and we are going to be celebrating with a ‘flash mob”  singing event on Thursday across the whole school.  This story reminds us that people might look different on the outside, but we are all quite similar on the inside, no matter where we come from.

You will taking home a homework research sheet to share with your parents and to ask them for information about your families (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents).  Please write down the interesting stories and bring it back by next week TUESDAY 26 MARCH so that we can all share our stories on the Wednesday!  I hope you find out lots of interesting information about where your family originally came from…. 😎