Subtraction on a Numberline

Today when your group is on the Computer, you will be practising our strategy of subtracting by counting on!  🙂

Subtraction on a Numberline – choose your level, try to work out the jumps, then check by clicking SHOW JUMPS, SHOW JUMP SIZE, SHOW SUM.    Practise a few then write down one on your sheet to show what you have learned.

You can then go onto Study Ladder and log in for your new tasks or do Convict Count-On in the post below this one.

Enjoy your Maths today!    😆


This activity will show you how you can count on to find the answer to a subtraction sum.  Then you can play the game on your own at home.

Using the empty numberline you need to count on from the smallest number.  Add the numbers together to find the answer.  Convict Count On

Use your Empty Numberline to help show the steps.   Can you explain why we are adding to work out a take away sum?