Chance and Probability – dice and spinners

In Maths we can clearly work out how likely it is that you will get a particular number when you throw a dice or when you spin a spinner.  Here are some games to work that out.

  1.  WHY CAN’T I WIN?
  3. SPINNERS (We will play with these in our lesson together.)
  4. MAKE A GRAPH (This allows you to make a digital Bar or Column Graph).

The SPINNERS and MAKE A GRAPH tools will also live on this blogsite on the LINKS page – under MATHS TOOLS. 

Do a Maths investigation with your family.  Survey your family members about their favourite………… Record their answers then make a graph using the MAKE A GRAPH tool which you can then print.  Have a go and make it look really professional.  🙂 Mrs Veary