This week’s MERIT CERTIFICATE went to …..JOSIE!!!

for always being a friendly, helpful student and for your great computer skills using the Smartboard.  You are a star!

img_6502-smallI have been SO IMPRESSED by the reading all of you have been doing.  Today I gave out Reading Certificates for home reading and it was wonderful to see so many of you reading for over 100 nights!   We had some 125, 150, 175 and even…..200 nights!!  You guys rock!  🙂

img_6504-small(Oh No!   What did that reading do to all of you……?)

Remember, the more you read:

  • the more words you learn to read and new words you put into your computer brains  (vocabulary)
  • the better you get at recognising the correct spelling of words
  • the more ideas you get for when you want to write a story
  • the better you get at reading!

(Phew!   That’s better!)

img_6503-smallOnly one more term of reading, so make sure you read EVERY night to get the highest reading record you can for the year!

Mrs Veary  😎