Storytime – Lost at the Show by Charlie


Charlie wrote such a gripping story, “Lost at the Show” that he has now published it for us all to enjoy.  Click on the audio play button and then click on the Storyjumper  book below and flip the pages to see the pictures he drew to go with his story. (I wonder who can work out just when to turn the page as you listen to him reading the story?)

Book titled 'Lost at the Show'Read this book made on StoryJumper
Great job, Charlie.  Now I can show all of you how to make your own storybook on Storyjumper!  When you have something to write, come and ask me.  😎

Times Tables Tunes (Videos)

You have lots of fun activities to do during Computer in rotating groups today.  Follow from #1 to #2 to #3 and then you can do this one.  These are videos to help you learn your times tables.

To practise your times tables, I’ve put some video times tables tunes you can learn by singing along, into the pages at the top of your screen if you click on the = (3 lines) icon.  Then select Times Tables Videos.  Have a look and let me know how you go for 2x, 5x and 3x.

Mrs Veary 😎


Please note that you may need to enable Flash Player for some of these games.  Find a logon that works or skip those games it it won’t work for you, and go on to the next post or game.

Today in Rotating Maths Groups we will continue learning about multiplication.  This is number 2. of times tables activities. Computer will be practising their multiplication skills doing these activities:



3.  GRAND PRIX (a bit of a challenge for your times tables)

Work hard and have fun learning how to multiply!


You worked really well at all the different activities on offer on Friday. Origami is a very traditional Japanese craft and your Samurai helmets looked great. The carp flags to fly at your house to show how many boys are in your family on Kodomohi looked great. The dolls also looked very colourful. Some people still have to finish some of their crafts, but here you can see how good they looked. Well done, people! Mrs Veary 🙂