Certificates and Awards!!

Congratulations to Ivy, Nicholas and Ayla for receiving their well-deserved Year 3 Effort Awards.  Great job!  (So many of you should be proud of your achievements, as I would love to have been able to to choose more of you for the award……but know that your efforts are appreciated and noticed!)

Congratulations to our Macqlit students for their hard work this year!

Congratulations to Jenna for her MERIT CERTIFICATE this week.  Great work with your reading, Jenna and keep up the great work next year!




Investigating Christmas Traditions and Stories

Investigating Christmas traditions and symbols around the world. This link shows a number of countries’ traditions: KIDCYBER CHRISTMAS

BABOUSHKA  – This is a Russian story.

This is a Christmas story which comes from Russia.  It is about the three kings (or wise men) who call at Baboushka’s house on their way to find the baby Jesus….

An old woman sat in her cottage, thinking about the work she needed to do. Her floors were never clean, no matter how much she swept.

Outside she heard voices, and then came a knock on her door. When she opened it, there stood three men, dressed in rich clothing. They looked as if they had been travelling a long distance.

“We have come a long way,” one of the men said “We are seeking the Child who is to be the King of us all. Do you know where we can find him? We are bringing him gifts of great worth.”

“I do not know of this child,” Baboushka told them. “Come in and drink some tea. You look very cold. It is a terrible night to be out.”

“We must go on. Come with us, Baboushka! Come with us!”

“Indeed I cannot! The snow and wind would carry me away. And besides, I have so much work to do!” The three men left. Baboushka watched them leave, and as she sat down she wondered about what they had said.

A Child King? What was this they spoke of? But she thought, my little house always needs
to be cleaned. I do not have time to make a journey! Baboushka sat and rocked and thought about the three men and their gifts, and she began to wish she had gone with them. Housework could have waited. She should have gone with them to honour the Child.

At last she decided that she would leave first thing in the morning, and perhaps she would find the men who had stopped at her cottage and travel with them. She hurriedly looked around her cottage and found a few things she might give the Child as a gift.

She bundled up well in the morning, wrapping herself in scarves and shawls and a heavy coat. The snow blew around her but she traveled on. Everywhere she went she asked, “Have you seen three rich men traveling by here? Do you know where the Child is that they
seek?” But no-one could help her.

So she travelled on and on, but she never found the child. Some people say she is still travelling. She finds little children sleeping and looks to see if it might be the One she is seeking. But she is never sure, so she leaves the child a gift just in case.

On Christmas morning, children know that Baboushka has been to see them while they
slept, and that she is still searching for the Child and the three men. They know that is Baboushka who has left the gift for them, just in case they might be the One she is seeking.

What should we learn from this story?

Click on BABOUSHKA STORY by Tony Wilson on Youtube to listen to the story.

We are going to make our own Matroyska Dolls which are Russian sets of dolls that fit into each other.  The one we are going to make today is the BABUSHKA DOLL.  Here are some photos of this kind of doll.


Now that you have read or heard the story, you will see how it links to the Bible story of baby Jesus and why we give gifts today.

This video clip shows you how to make a Baboushka set of dolls.

Investigating Characteristics of Christmas Celebrations

This week you are going to be investigating Christmas Celebrations around the world. These are your MUST DOS:

  • complete at least 2 Thinkers Keys
  • compare Christmas in at least 2 other countries and share your findings
  • Make at least 1 pop-up Christmas card
  • isten to the story of Baboushka and make a baboushka doll set.

CAN DOS might include:

  • Christmas booklet
  • creative Christmas Crafts
  • write a story; song; acrostic poem…or other poem
  • create a Reindeer Dance (and teach it to others)…
  • other…

Talking to Heidi

Hey everyone it’s me Heidi right now I’m in Nottingham it’s so cold here.ln the morning we went to see a statue of a really famous person called Robin Hood and 2 really old pubs. The first calls Ye olde trip to Jerusalem and it got build in 1189. The orher pub is called Ye olde salutation inn 1240 and legend says it’s a haunted.

Room 6 – First time in the Kitchen!

Last Friday Room 6 students had their first experience of cooking in our kitchen garden kitchen.  It was amazing!  After putting on our aprons, we harvested the incredible food we’d grown in our garden bed before bringing it into the kitchen to prepare.  You can see the fun we had creating a healthy dish with it.  Yum!  -:)


Room 6 Try out the Kitchen! from MRPS on Vimeo.