Welcome to Room 6…

This is your very own classroom website to explore and to use all the links I will put up for you. You and your parents can have a look each day and see what we are going to be doing – any links to videos – or links to websites (look for the hand with your cursor). Today you will get a QR code and the URL to keep at home and make a favourite on your device.  You can only get to this website by typing in the URL in the address bar – NOT by googling it.  Mum or Dad can have a look from anywhere with the internet (which is good for those who work away).  🙂

Today we will be start by using the Big Number Song link on pages at the top of the screen.  

We will also learn how to make positive and respectful comments online, using this website.  I hope you find it fun as we go through 2022 together!

Mrs Veary 😎