In Writing today we are going to be looking at descriptive writing.

This means writing in a way that allows the reader to picture exactly what you are describing.  You will be using words to paint a picture for your reader.  This means that you need to choose your words carefully and use lots of really good adjectives (describing words).

Today you will be writing a POEM about your house!  You will need to use adjectives and similes to describe your very own house.  There is a special way to write these poems, so use your planner and try and make your poem really original!

This is how you will be writing your descriptive poems about their own homes.  The first line describes what it looks like, the second how it makes  you feel, the third the sounds you can hear there, the fourth what smells you notice and the last line is a statement about your home.  

Example: [Notice that poems have lines,  NOT SENTENCES, so you start a new line and don’t continue along the same line as a sentence would!

My house looks like…. or My house is …

To create a really good picture for your reader, you will also need to use some similes in your description.  A simile compares your alien to something that we can all picture.  It uses the words like….. or as…

Eg. “My house feels as hot as the furnace of the sun during summer.”

Here are some posters about similes to get your imagination going.  🙂


dog simile


frog simile


You all have such good imaginations that I’m sure you are going to and write amazing poems using lots of descriptive  writing today!

Mrs Veary 🙂