11 thoughts on “WATER POEMS

  1. Emily says:

    Wonderful to lie in on a hot summer day.
    Amazing to drink and feel
    Taps dripping and leaking
    Every drop counts
    Rolling waves crashing.

  2. Lauren says:

    Wonderful pure water to drink.
    Amazing waterfalls crashing.
    Thundering watefalls in my ears.
    Every drop counts in our community.
    Raining water is wonderful.

  3. Dharti says:

    Amazing waterfalls
    Taps dripping
    Excellent to drink
    Relaxing to lie in the pool.

  4. Jade says:

    Waterfalls crashing through my ears.
    Amazing waterfalls
    Terrific to drink water
    Exciting to swim in
    Roaring waves everywhere.

  5. Callum says:

    Waterslides are fun
    Always wet
    Taps dripping annoy me
    Easy to play in
    Roaring waves

  6. brodiemum says:

    Hi everyone – I loved reading your poems. It made me think about the water I was in a little while ago and I thought I would write you a poem back using the letters from water.

    Waves crashing
    All over me
    Tumbling and turning
    Every which way
    Rolling around laughing

    Have a fun day

  7. dylan says:

    wonderful water falls
    amazing to play in
    taps leaking
    every drop counts
    reflection off the water

    Wow, Dylan, how cool that you have written another acrostic poem about Water!
    Mrs. Veary 😎

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