Welcome to the relief teacher.  This is an outline of what the students need to finish off and the rest of the day is yours to decide.

ART – Your choice
SPELLING – contracts and today is Partner test first


– Finish off work in booklets(on table beside teacher’s desk) and all to do storyboard on the back page (then can work in pairs on computers to do pivot animation of the story).
Fast finishers can decorate the Greek patterns(in booklet) and practise drawing the Greek Key on plain paper themselves.

Mitchell to share his blog with class.


Finish decorating Loch Ness Monster timelines (on desk near teacher) – and we need to do the sharing and discussing the timeline events now that they are in time order (we have read them before cutting them out).  These need to be completed and ready for display.
Chanel has a library book she brought in (on little whiteboard) showing what a pleisasaurus looks like.  Discuss.

A few students need to finish decorating their witch/wizard shapes with goals on the back – these are personal, but need to be ready for display

View WIZARD OF OZ (DVD) at front of room – students know where we are up to.

Mrs Veary