Remember, one term until you hit Year 4 so we really have to work hard to be ready 😎  Each week night your homework is:

  • Take-home reading (and have it signed for the next day)

  • Spelling list words (for test every second Friday)

  • Maths Learning your skip-counting and times tables (2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x…)

  • Maths Practising counting on and back from anywhere in 2s, 5s, 10s

  • Maths Practise telling the time – digital and analogue

  • Maths Talk with your parents about money: how much something costs, which coins you’d use to pay for it and how much change you’d get

  • Go online and work on Study Ladder – Maths and Literacy (coming soon)

Choose at least one of the Maths activities each night and of course, you can do any of the activities on Dolphinkids at any time! 🙂

Don’t forget that you need to bring things to sell in your Trash and Treasure shops every second Monday morning.  (Not this week, but the following week).

[Please show this post to your parents, so they can help you. ]