You will be working in a group of 3 children to Adopt a Country.  You will need to work closely together to find the information you need to complete your booklet.  Use the links below to find information to complete your Adopt a Country page with a flag and  to complete your ID Pass.  Draw a picture of yourself in the box on the ID page.  (As you finish, you can work on completing the map page, colouring in your country on the map and marking in your country’s capital city.  Then read all about the famous places in your adopted country in the Kidcyber link.  Have fun!  Mrs Veary 😆

FLAG, MAP AND POPULATION – In the CIA’s World Factbook you will find the flag and map and you can find the population under the heading People and Society

FAMOUS PLACES IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES – At Kidcyber, click on your country to find out famous landmarks, monuments, buildings, places etc.

LIST OF OLYMPIC SPORTS – click here to see all the possible Olympic sports and their pictograms

GROUPS ARE: Tara, Hannah and Jack; Charlie, Jake and Anabelle; Archie, Jamie and Murray; Gus, Dane and Quinn; Sasha, Ramita and Riley; Luke, Kirsten, Ruby and Mina; Jasmine, Elleni and Lily.