Why is it important is it to drink lots of fresh water every day?

Where does your drinking water come from?

How clean do you think it is?

Looking at the satellite picture, what do you think helps keep the water clean and not polluted?


Watch this video to see where drinking water comes from in some parts of Africa?


How did you feel watching this video?

Why do you need fresh drinking water? 

What happens if your drinking water is dirty?


[Click here for a link to see the countries in Africa on a map]



1.  What can you do at home to save precious fresh water?

2.  What can you do to make sure other people know how important fresh water is to life?

3.  What can you do to remind yourself and your family to drink pure water regularly?



Can you solve these number problems?

To give your answer, click on Comments at the bottom of this post, say which one you are solving and give the answer. 

1.   DHARTI AND DELAN’S CHALLENGE:  6, 12, 18 , 24 , 30 , 36, 42, ___ , ___ ? What’s our rule?

2.  DYLAN’S CHALLENGE:  4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, ___ , ____?  What’s my rule?

3.   CHRISTIAAN AND LEE’S CHALLENGE:  11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, ___ , ____ ?  What’s our rule?

4GEORGIA  AND EMILY’S CHALLENGE:  3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, ____ , ____ ?  What’s our rule?   

They also have a tricky BIG NUMBER challenge:                                                                               1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 0000, 5 000, 6 000, 7 000, _________ , _________ ?            What comes next and what’s our rule?

Have a go to show us your great Maths brains at work!  😎  Click below on Comments to write your answers.

Mrs. Veary 🙂