Perseus and Medusa

gorgonsThis morning we are going to listen to another Greek myth, Persus and Medusa. Using the Characteristics of myths, we can see that this myth has:

  • heroes
  • evil and good characters
  • gods
  • mythical creatures
  • magic and special powers

medusa and perseusListen again to the story here:

PERSEUS AND MEDUSA  (click here to listen and watch)

Your task today is to listen well to identify which parts of the story and which characters are the heroes, gods etc.; and

you will be writing a description of Medusa the Gorgon.  You will need to use similes, adjectives and good sentences to write a description which lets us feel just how awful and terrifying she really was.


I look forward to seeing what you come up with, as you are really starting to write well!  🙂  Mrs Veary