This week in Inquiry groups we will be learning how to find information to write an INFORMATION REPORT.

The Headings are: Classification, Description, Location and Dynamics or Behaviour.  These are the characteristics of the animal.

Here are some places you can go to find information on Australian animals.  Use the e-books on your desktop or click on the link below for Kidcbyer.

1. POSSUM INFORMATION – make dot points on your T-chart or X-chart under the correct headings.

Friday’s Work

Congratulations everybody on working so hard this week.  It’s good to know that NAPLAN is now over for 2 years! 🙂

Today, welcome to your relief teacher and here is your work for today.

The daily timetable is on the small whiteboard but here are the special details and links you will need.  You can leave the reading activity (cloze on possums) until I am back in  the classroom unless you are running out of activities later on.

Remember that today you all need to finish your spelling contracts and hand them in.  Sasha and Elleni will check them for you and staple them together.  Remember your must dos: all 3 look, cover, writes; at least 3 activities; at least 1 partner test!

Spelling test today – after recess or after lunch.

SPORT – Because you have all worked so hard this week, your relief teacher can give you a longish game (maybe Zulu) before recess (as it’s middle cell and senior cell sport time from recess to end of school).

NEWS – It’s catch-up day today for a few Wednesday, Thursday and Friday news people.  Remember that EVERYBODY will be doing their news on Mondays from next week!  So, bring your news item in on Monday, please.  Riley – you need to tell Mum. (Cathy – this is a note to you, please, for his book.)

You can leave the Handwriting until I am back in the classroom.

INQUIRY – We are doing Possum Magic.  Firstly, allow 30 mins catch-up time for those who need to finish their Jigsaw Maps.  You will see them on the hand-in table at front of desks.   

There are two new activities.  The first one needs this Venn Diagram.  Download it and blow it up onto A3 please.  Thanks.

Venn Diagram

1.  Watch this video of Possum Magic (by Mem Fox) and use a venn diagram to compare this version of the story with hearing it read from the big book the other day.  Label your venn diagram circles: 1. Video  and 2.  Storybook  then try and find at least 3 dot points in each part of the Venn to compare them. [hint: look at the pictures closely in the video and the music…]

Here is the video to watch:

2.  Everybody should have finished 3 pages of their Possum Magic booklets (on the handing-in desk), and now you will be going the P.M.I.  In the story and video we know that Hush got up to lots of tricks while she was invisible.  You need to think of at least 2 – 4 dot points in P. and M. and at least 1 in I.  Then – use your imagination and knowledge of the bush and Australian Animals to invent another adventure for Hush while she was invisible.  Try to write it as Mem Fox did, then illustrate it using the same style as the book.  [We might be able to publish these as “lost pages from Mem Fox’s draft story”…]  (Use lined paper in the drawer.)

Have fun everybody – and unfortunately, Gus and Jake – remember your recess duty today.  Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.  

Mrs Veary 😎

Measurement Maths with Mr Madden (Volume)

Today when you work with Mr Madden you may be learning how to measure the VOLUME of a closed 3D-object.  This Maths activity is measuring how many cubes will fit inside these different closed 3D shapes.

1. Fill in your guess first (estimate),

2. Then put blocks into your shape on the computer and,

3. Count how many it really is.

4. Then write in the answer.

5. To make a new shape, press clear , then change the numbers and press change box and start again.

This is MEASURING THE VOLUME OF A CLOSED 3D SHAPE.  Have fun.  Mrs Veary  :-)

FILL ‘ER UP ACTIVITY (click here to start the activity)

Geometry – Prisms from Nets

In Maths today we will be investigating patterns by building houses along Storey Street.  [Levels of a house are called ‘storeys’, not stories :-)]  Then we will be picturing the 3D objects made from 2Dnets.  These activities will allow us to practise picturing the 3D object from the 2D nets.




Now just for fun:…….  test  yourself on what view you are looking at!

1.   VIEWS 1 – pick out the piece you are looking at

2.   VIEWS 2 – another quiz

3.   GUESS THE VIEW – best quiz to end off.

Have fun working these out – it’s all in the way you look at things….. 😎