Significant Structures in Perth

Today in Inquiry you will be working with a partner to find out about three significant structures in Perth, W.A.  You need to read carefully through these websites, write dot points into your T-chart (retrieval chart) and collect one good image for each.  Paste the image into a Word document to print out and stick into your retrieval chart OR use PicCollage to print your image.

As you do your finding out, try to find any information about change or continuity – can you find out what was there before, or what has been changed? (Especially Optus Stadium and Elizabeth Quay).

  1.  OPTUS STADIUM (PERTH STADIUM) – (Challenge: see if you can find a picture of the unusual pedestrian bridge!  You might also find out what stadium they used to play AFL  in Perth before this was built…)  OPTUS STADIUM CONSTRUCTION FACT SHEET
  3. ELIZABETH QUAY – (Challenge: see if you can find a plan or map of this area (precinct) too.  See if you can find a picture of what was there before [hint: look up Riverside Drive before 2013…gardens…]  CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS

Have fun finding out and you might even have visited some of them when you’ve been to Perth!  😎

PS: Tomorrow in Rotating Groups, you will be doing a reading activity on the Perth Bell Tower and the Swan Bells using the same website, so read it well today.


Introducing our Science Blitz!

Good morning to our relief teacher and to everybody in Room 6.  Today is the first day of our SCIENCE BLITZ!!!!  That means that we will be doing lots of fun science activities over the next few days and weeks. 🙂

We will be looking at HEAT ENERGY first.  Here are some of my wonderings to ponder over:

What is heat?

How do you measure heat?

What causes heat?

Can heat move?

Your first lessons are on Inquisitive – Heat and Seek. Click to enter Inquisitive and you may have to enter your class code (remember it’s on the board). Enjoy your investigations.

Mrs Veary 😎

Growth Mindset Series #1

Now that we have explored the different SMARTS, we are going to learn about how our brains work and what we can do to help grow our brains. Here is our first video, which helps to explain how this works.

Why don’t you ask Mum and Dad to watch this video too, so that they will understand how special your brains are?

Here is the worksheet where you think about what you learned in the video.

Growth Mindset video 1 worksheet

Maths – 3D objects

Welcome back everybody!  So lovely to see you all fresh after the Easter break. 🙂

NEWS – This term we will be starting partner newstelling.  Everybody will be telling their news every Monday and there won’t be a weekly news roster any more.  🙂

Today in Maths we are going to be investigating 3D objects – their names, their properties and their differences.

Challenge: Look around you this week and see how many of these shapes you can see in real life objects and buildings around you?


Yesterday was a very important Australian public holiday – it was Anzac Day. We had a school Anzac Day ceremony last term by video link.

This morning we have talked about celebrations and commemorations. Which one is Anzac Day?

What things do Australians need to remember on that day?

Anzac Day is on the 25th April every year.

ANZAC stands for:






SIMPSON AND HIS DONKEY – on this Anzac website you can read all about Simpson and his bravery.  This statue stands outside the War Memorial in Canberra.

simpson and his donkey

Here is a news clip from England from Simpson’s home town which explains the story of his bravery.

This is the story of Simpson and Duffy, told as a picture book by Mark Greenwood. [Later we will be reading a story from the donkey’s point of view and holding our first Philosophy lesson!]

As you listen and read information on these websites, think about the true meaning of Anzac Day for Australians, and why we should continue to have this special day each year.

CHALLENGE: – Try and find out what wars Australian soldiers are fighting in right now?

Inquisitive Lessons -Week 10

Just in case you’ve forgotten how to find Inquisitive using the cog on Dolphinkids -and the code 8232, this link should work Inquisitive Link

Olive will need to train up another person to use her login on the Smart Panel, for the last week when she will be away. Perhaps…Indi and Mauser?
Mrs Veary


As an introduction to life in China, you will need to look at a map of China and the Chinese flag.

Now you will need to read KIDS FROM CHINA – FACTMONSTER.COM to answer the questions in your booklet.

Google to find your images:

FLAGS – You will need to google to find the colours of the Chinese flag.  Colour in your flag in your booklet.

CHINESE STRUCTURES – you will need to google to find pictures to copy one of these famous structures into your booklet.  Check the headings carefully.

Use PicCollage to print the structures in colour. Make them the right size to stick into the boxes in your booklet.

Chinese dictionary – to look up the words you need.

Have fun exploring Chinese school buildings.  Next session you will be watching some videos to understand what a day in the life of a student in a Chinese school is like.  Then you will be using a Venn Diagram to compare their schools with our schools. 🙂



Today you are going to work on the Venn Diagram in the middle of your Schools in China booklet.  When you compare them you need to notice WHAT IS THE SAME? and  WHAT IS DIFFERENT?  It is really important that you line them up and use the colours to show what item you are comparing.  (The colours are written on your booklet.)

These video clips will help you to understand life in a Chinese school better.


2.WHAT IS IN A CHINESE CLASSROOM? (This one is a bit long, but interesting.)

3. LIMEHURST PRIMARY SCHOOL VISIT TO CHINA (Just watch bits of this – very interesting and they visit a few different primary schools in China)


5. CANTEEN FOOD IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL IN CHINA (looks like it may be in the city)

Introducing the Global Goals

At Margaret River Primary School we are committed to learning about and caring about the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development that the United Nations (the World) have agreed to work towards.

Every one of our inquiries will be focused around one or more of these goals.  They are goals which will help to make our world a better place and a safer and healthier planet way into the future.  Each one of us needs to learn about these goals and try to do our little bit to help meet these goals by 2030!

Which Global Goal/s do you think matches up with our inquiries this term: EQ Health Inquiry, and Our Patch Structures Inquiry?

So what are these goals? What do each of them mean? Watch this video to find out more.

and just what does Sustainable or Sustainability actually mean? Click on this link to read a definition to understand it.

A person who stood up and acted (just like in the video above) is Greta Thunberg. She started to take action while at primary school and she started a world-wide movement of young people fighting Climate Change. This video clip outlines her story and what she believes in. (Please note that some things she says might be upsetting, but she wants to shock people into investigating the facts and threats of climate change.)

What we all need to do, to be able to achieve the goal of 2030, is to:

  1. Understand what the goals are
  2. Think about simple things we can do that will help
  3. Remember that we all have to work together to achieve these goals for our world.