We have been looking at Australian coins and discovering which animals are on which coins.  These websites give you a lot more information.  Explore and afterwards I would like each person to explain one interesting thing they found out.  Some of you might be able to create an I-book on Australian money for this inquiry using Book Creator on the ipads.  🙂

1.  AUSTRALIAN MINT – is where all Australian money is made.  Read about our money and see what is on each side of the coin.

2. KIDCYBER – is an easier place to read about what is on our coins.

3. AUSTRALIAN NOTES – is where you can learn about famous Australians who are on our money (bank notes).

Escher Lizard Tesselation and Christmas

Here are some photos of Escher’s Lizard tesselation, which you are going to put together today.


Notice how the colours change what you see in the finished product?


And later this week we will be using what we have learnt about tesselations to make some Christmas tesselations.  Have a look at these photos for inspiration.





Isn’t Maths just so cool?  Look at how much Maths is used in Art, and Engineering, and just about everything in life….!

Flipped Learning at Work!

IMG_6644 (Small)Students have been learning Maths by watching a video of the lesson before doing the worksheets with the teacher’s help.  IMG_6645 (Small)By flipping our learning like this, students get the time to rewind the video and practise and really understand the strategy before they meet with the teacher in a small group to use the strategy.

IMG_6646 (Small)This also allows the teacher to work more with each student and give helpful tips and support.

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IMG_6649 (Small)I was so proud of how you all worked this week in Rotating Maths Groups!  Give yourselves a pat on the back!   🙂 Mrs Veary


Room 6 had a visit from Coach Cash earlier this term to tell us how to manage our money.  Two our of students were journalists for the day: Izzy and Kayne and this is what they wrote about her visit.   [Well done to both of you.   🙂  Mrs Veary]

IMG_5701 (Small)    Coach Cash Came to our school
I am a  Journalist for Coach cash .  I am doing  Key Cards.  Coach cash chose Kayne and Ruby for a Key Card Show to show  the class.  She showed that us she was going to the cinemas.   She showed us how the machine works  through the cinema’s bank account and the Commonwealth Bank. She said there was a special quadpack for 45 dollars and she had 50 dollars to spend, but the tickets were only 15 dollars . So she said to just buy the tickets and get snacks from home.

Part2  The soccer season is in 2 weeks’ time.  You have to buy soccer boots.  There are different offers.  There is an offer for 50 dollars but is gives free jellybeans  and you get them now or another one for 40  dollars and you get 10  dollars change, but you get them in 2 weeks time or you get  the ones for 45 dollars and get  5 dollars change and you get them right now.  We had to choose. She bought the 50 dollars one and then she goes home and her mum says, “Oh good, but where are your shin guards?”


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Coach Cash (Amber) is a person that works at the bank. She taught us two courses.   The first one was money, money, money, and money.
The second one was get the cash, put it away and save some too..So those were the courses.

Using A Key Card
Coach Cash taught us how to use a Key card. Coach Cash used Ruby and Kayne as assistants. This is how it worked, there were two money boxes with string attached to the money boxes and Ruby and Kayne were talking to each other. Ruby was the bank and Kayne was the person who was using the key card.  Kayne had 50 dollars in the bank. He wanted to get a family pack and the family pack came with a hat, popcorn, ice cream and a bottle of water.
Kayne had no more money left to buy tickets.
So that is a lesson on spending money wisely and thinking of more important stuff like buying a house or a car.

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It’s so lovely to have journalists telling you about special events in our room.  Thank you both, Kayne and Izzy.  🙂  Mrs Veary


Chances of ….?

In Maths we can work out how likely it will be that an event will occur.   It could be certain, likely or unlikely.

When it comes to a dice or a spinner, you can work out how likely by saying 

You have a 1 in 6 chance of winning; or you have a 1:6 chance….. depending on the number of possibilities given.

We will explore how this works by using the spinner in this SPINNER manipulative.

BOX DRAW manipulative – how many times will you draw out a certain colour depends on how many of each are in the box.

COIN TOSS manipulative – it’s interesting to see how many times heads or tails comes up when you toss a coin.

Good luck and have fun taking your chances on these activities! 8:)


CONGRATULATIONS SKYE!  You deserved your merit certificate last week for a great job with your newspaper version of The Princess and the Pea and for your excellent work ethic!  Well done.  🙂

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We also love the way you often bring in interesting items and bits of information from home to share with the class – to improve our learning.  We loved seeing your very extensive coin collection, Skye!  It helped us learn about the different coins and what they look like.  Thank you. 😆

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WORK FOR THE DAY – Wed 6 March

Good morning everybody!  I am sorry but I am at home sick today.   Make your relief teacher very welcome and here is your work for the day.

Morning Session

  • Begin your day with Wednesday News (explain how you time your news and each have 2 mins)  (Liz will go out with Tom to do reading)

  • Finish publishing Hush stories – the few students who have not finished sticking in their typed up stories must stick them onto the sheet beside their illustrations (on my desk); Other students to finish colouring in their A3 Modern Classroom Designs (on handing-in table) – allow 15mins for this activity)  All to hand back in again.

  • MENTAL MATHS – Today all students will be working independently on their Mental Maths using their books or the photocopied sheets I gave out last week.  They kept them in their desks.  (Kobi will need a photocopy as I have his book with me at home – and Kohan’s new book is on my desk).  They started last week and today they will all be doing THURSDAY of the week they began last week.  There were 3 groups: Blue book – week 1 Thurs (Mon, Tues, Wed were done last week) – Kobi, Kohan, Matty; Blue book – week 20 Thurs: Jasper, Luke, Zack, Angus, Harry; Rest of class (I think) on Red Book – Week 2 Thurs.  Students to be given max 10-15 mins; put up hands for help; Liz to work with Tom and Week 1 group; then mark together using red pen.  Write in answers if work not finished; scores and set goals for next time.  [We are trying to get this as a quick mental maths activity with a cut-off time even if not finished to build up their stamina.] Then move onto class Maths activity for the day (below).

  • MATHS – Today you will be working with Money and counting Australian coins and exchanging coins.  [Try to get a selection of money (coins) from Kingsley Iddon before school to use as concrete materials)  Talk about Australian coins (students have researched coin heads…recently) and their relative values.  Click here for website to manipulate coins COIN EXCHANGES then students to complete the following worksheet. coins sheet and challenge sheet for fast finishers Work out the Number Challenge



  • INQUIRY GROUPS: You will see these on the little whiteboard and I introduced students to the activities yesterday.  They drew up their legend for the mapwork; and homework was to research logos/emblems for designers; brands, footy and sports clubs, clothes, foods.

  • Download THE PLANNER INQUIRY PLANNER and you will see the activities in detail for immersion tasks #1, #2, #3, #4.  The whiteboard has the groups allocated to each task for today.  Tomorrow I will rotate the groups to the next activity so today each group will only take on 1 task for the day.  (Liz to work with Koalas on activity #4 today)  Teacher to work with #1 activity.  Sheets are photocopied and laminated copies on teacher’s desk near window. 


  • YELLOW READING BOX – second session.  Kobi, Kohan, Tom and Matty to go on Reading Eggs on computer.  I will send their usernames and passwords by e-mail to Mr. Madden.  (students to fetch box from Room T6 Mrs Tomlinson).  Booklets are in grey pigeonholes at windown at teacher’s desk.  They say: Reading Box Booklet.

  • Have a great day together and work hard everybody!  See you all tomorrow..  🙂 Mrs Veary